My name is Stella Blau. I am a graphic artist. Ever since I was a little girl I have loved drawing. I draw what I see. People, things, buildings, dragons...
Dragons? You see dragons?
Sure, don't you? I see them in books, on paintings or drawings. There's tons of them on the web. Sometimes I even see one in my dreams. Wanna see one I have drawn?
Why not...
Later. First I need to tell you about that graphic novel I am currently working on. It's my first one. And I'm all excited.
Aha. Well, go ahead then!
You're smarter than I thought! Right. Clashes, contradiction, dissent. That's what makes life difficult, painful at times. But also interresting and exciting. It's a productive force.
Gee, you're a true philosopher.
Well, I like to think. And I like contradiction. And complexity. But I'm also a dreamer. Of big dreams. And - you guessed it - I do love all things blue. The colour, the mood, music. Like this for example.
Is that you in the background?
Take a hard guess. Are you ready to see some of my work?
Can't wait!
Fine. If you want to see the first few pages of the graphic novel. Or people. Or some other short narratives I have drawn.