Sure, don't you? I see them in books, on paintings or drawings. There's tons of them on the web. Sometimes I even see one in my dreams. Wanna see one I have drawn?
Why not...
Later. First I need to tell you about that graphic novel I am currently working on. It's my first one. And I'm all excited.
Aha. Well, go ahead then!
You're smarter than I thought! Right. Clashes, contradiction, dissent. That's what makes life difficult, painful at times. But also interresting and exciting. It's a productive force.
Gee, you're a true philosopher.
Well, I like to think. And I like contradiction. And complexity. But I'm also a dreamer. Of big dreams. And - you guessed it - I do love all things blue. The colour, the mood, music. Like this for example.
Is that you in the background?